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How to use async readdir function inside a loop iterating over series of directories?

I am archiving a certain text files from multiple directories. So firstly, I am iterating inside a folder which gives me folderPath and this folderPath can contain many files(txt,pdf,etc.) and there are multiple folder paths, I am using a async readdir for folderPath and appending those individual files in the archiver and then finally closing. If I am doing archive.finalize before the folder loop ends, it isn't generating required number of txt files in the zip just the initial one's which is obvious. And if I keep archive.finalize on line 2 it's throwing me an error as stated below the directory structure. Can someone please help in this regard ?

Directory structure is like:

mainfolder/folder1 mainfolder/folder2

mainfolder/folder1/sometext.txt mainfolder/folder1/someanothertext.txt

mainfolder/folder2/sometext.txt mainfolder/folder2/someanothertext.txt

Now I want to zip it as: which contains -> folder1 and folder2 with respective txt files. I was able to achieve it when using sync function to readdir(readdirsync), but with async, I am facing some callback issue.

Error :

ArchiverError: queue closed
    at Archiver.file (C:\Users\Workspace\code\node_modules\archiver\lib\core.js:692:24)
    at C:\Users\Workspace\current_code_snippet
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at C:\Users\current_code_snippet_ line 3 as specified in code snippet
    at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:156:23) {
  code: 'QUEUECLOSED',
  data: undefined

Code :

this.children.forEach((value, _index, _array) => {
    const folderPath = path.join(basePath, value);
    fs.readdir(folderPath, (err, fileNames) => {
          if (err){
              throw err;
          else {
            fileNames.forEach(file => {  // line 3
              if (outputType === ".txt") {
                  const filePath = path.join(basePath, value, file);
                  archive.file(filePath, { name: `${value}/${file}` }); // file is saved as value/file inside parent zip
    archive.finalize(); // line 1
archive.finalize(); // line 2


  • I would wrap the fs call into a Promise. This makes it possible to just await the operations and it takes some complexity out of the code.

    Be aware that forEach loops don't work with async, await

    const children = ["path_0", "path_1", "path_2", "path_3"];
    // mock fs / async action
    const fs = {
        readdir: (path, error, success) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                success(["file_0", "file_1", "file_2"]);
            }, Math.random() * 1000);
    // function I would add to make the process simpler
    const readFiles = (path) => {
        return new Promise(res => {
            fs.readdir(path, () => {}, (s) => {
    // start helper as async
    const start = async() => {
        // first await all files to be added to the archive
        await Promise.all( child => {
            const files = await readFiles();
            // loop to add all files to the zip
            // archive.file(filePath, { name: `${value}/${file}` });
            console.log(child, files);
        // then archive all files
        // archive.finalize();
        console.log("finalize archive");