I'm doing a for where I want to exclude both 'date' and 'unix' columns from the data frame.
How can I do it?
from sklearn import preprocessing
from tensortrade.data.cdd import CryptoDataDownload
import pandas as pd
cdd = CryptoDataDownload()
data = cdd.fetch("Bitstamp", "USD", "BTC", "1h")
for col in data.columns:
if col != 'date' and 'unix' :
data[col] = preprocessing.scale(data[col].values)
For test multiple values is possible use in
with list
if col not in ['date', 'unix']:
Another idea for your solution with Index.difference
for all columns without specified in list, then is used DataFrame.apply
, removed missing rows and last normalized:
cols = data.columns.difference(['date', 'unix'])
data[cols]=data[cols].apply(lambda x: x.pct_change())
data = data.dropna(subset=cols)
data[cols]=data[cols].apply(lambda x: preprocessing.scale(x))