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get the lowest number using custom pipe in Angular 10

I made my custom pipe to get the lowest number in an array and came up with this simple code but it does not work. It displays blank when rendered.

  name: 'min'
export class MinPipe implements PipeTransform {
  transform(items: any ): any {
    return Math.min.apply( Math, items );

I use it like this:

<div *ngFor="let vars of variations"> 
     <div class="price-start">Starts at: {{vars.variationCost | min}}</div>

Any help would be appreciated :)


  • I am not sure why you chose to delete the previous question that explained the issue better. At the moment the question is running into the XY problem.

    Nevertheless, I presume from the previous question that you wish to filter the array based on the value held by the variationCost property. For that you could do a simple *ngIf inside the *ngFor as I suggested in the other question. If you want to use a pipe, it'd need to be applied to the *ngFor directive.

    Try the following


    import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";
    @Pipe({ name: "lessThan", pure: true })
    export class LessThanPipe implements PipeTransform {
      transform(collection: Array<any>, key: string, boundary: number): Array<any> {
        if (!collection) {
          return null;
        return collection.filter(item => item[key] < boundary);


    import { Component } from "@angular/core";
      selector: "my-app",
      template: `
        <div *ngFor="let vars of (variations | lessThan: 'variationCost':45)">
          <div class="price-start">Starts at: {{ vars.variationCost }}</div>
      styleUrls: ["./app.component.css"]
    export class AppComponent {
      variations = [
        { variationCost: 40 },
        { variationCost: 50 },
        { variationCost: 70 },
        { variationCost: 30 },
        { variationCost: 10 }

    Update: Get minimum of object of array based on a property

    To display only the minimum of the array, you don't really need the *ngFor directive. You could whip up a quick pipe and use it in conjunction with *ngIf directive.

    Try the following


    import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from "@angular/core";
    @Pipe({ name: "min", pure: true })
    export class MinPipe implements PipeTransform {
      transform(collection: Array<any>, key: string): Array<any> {
        if (!collection) {
          return null;
        // credit:
        return collection.reduce((acc, curr) =>
          acc[key] < curr[key] ? acc : curr


    <div *ngIf="(variations | min: 'variationCost') as minVar">
      <div class="price-start">Starts at: {{ minVar.variationCost }}</div>

    Working example: Stackblitz