i have to fetch the details of ride provider who have offered their ride most to users.
the user_id in user_detail table is same as ride_provider_id in RIDE table.
i tried this but getting error 'ORA-00920: invalid relational operator' at last line ;
select u.*
from user_details u,
(select ride_provider_id,count(ride_provider_id) as of_ride
from ride
group by ride_provider_id) r2
where u.user_id= r2.ride_provider_id
having max(r2.of_ride);
In Oracle, you can phrase this using order by
and the fetch first
select u.*
from user_details u join
(select ride_provider_id, count(*) as of_ride
from ride
group by ride_provider_id
) r
on u.user_id = r.ride_provider_id
order by of_ride desc
fetch first 1 row only;
However, this seems rather inefficient. If you are using a subquery for the count, then the query can do the limit in the subquery:
select u.*
from user_details u join
(select ride_provider_id, count(*) as of_ride
from ride
group by ride_provider_id
order by count(*) desc
fetch first 1 row only
) r
on u.user_id = r.ride_provider_id