I am building app where i send email to client with nodemailer and after that i want to add copy of that email to SENT mailbox on email client. The emails are added properly but without subject and header. I am using imap-simple package and I was following examples in docs, not sure why is that happening
I am connecting with imap to home.pl mailbox
.then((connection) => {
const message = `Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8
To: ${email}
Subject:Wniosek o e-recepte wysłany
connection.append(message, {
mailbox: "SENT",
flags: "\\Sent",
return null;
.catch((err) => {
The spaces before From, To and Subject aren't legal. You can use spaces almost anywere, these three are legal:
From: fnord@example.com
From : fnord@example.com
From: fnord@example.com
But spaces before the From ungood. When something other than a header field name follows a CR, most parsers consider the header to end and the mail body to start. (Which is perhaps not quite comme il faut, I don't remember that part of the formal grammar. But someone who sends a buggy message cannot complain if parsers choose a different buggy interpretation than intended.)