I think that ChildPage.objects.child_of(self)
and ParentPage.get_children()
produce same result because subpage_types
of ParentPage is just one ['ChildPage']
But when I try to filter the result of ParentPage.get_children()
there is an error.
def get_context(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
context = super().get_context(request, *args, **kwargs)
child = self.get_children().live().public() # <- don't works
child = ChildPage.objects.child_of(self).live().public() # <- works
if request.GET.get('tag', None):
tags = request.GET.get('tag')
child = child.filter(tags__slug__in=[tags]) # <- error here
context["child"] = child
return context
Cannot resolve keyword 'tags' into field. Choices are: alias_of, alias_of_id, aliases, blogindexpage, blogpage, content_type, content_type_id, depth, draft_title, expire_at, expired, first_published_at, formsubmission, go_live_at, group_permissions, has_unpublished_changes, homepage, id, last_published_at, latest_revision_created_at, live, live_revision, live_revision_id, locale, locale_id, locked, locked_at, locked_by, locked_by_id, numchild, owner, owner_id, partnerindexpage, partnerpage, path, redirect, revisions, search_description, seo_title, show_in_menus, sites_rooted_here, slug, title, translation_key, url_path, view_restrictions, workflow_states, workflowpage
With self.get_children()
, the page type of the child pages is not known in advance - a page's children may include multiple different types. Since Django querysets don't (as standard*) support combining data from multiple models, the results are returned as the basic Page
type, which just contains the core fields common to all pages such as the title and slug. Filtering on tags
therefore fails, because that field does not exist on the Page model.
With ChildPage.objects.child_of(self)
, Django knows in advance that the page type is ChildPage - if self
had any child pages of other types - they would not be included in the results - so it can query directly on the ChildPage table, and consequently all fields of ChildPage (including tags
) are available for filtering.
* Wagtail does provide a specific()
method on the queryset to pull in the full data of the pages, but this is implemented as a postprocessing step after the main database query is done, so this still won't allow you to filter
on fields that aren't part of the base Page model.