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How to break out of loop when URL read is taking too long

Hi I have the following code to skip the particular URL if it is taking too long to read.

timeout = 30 
loop begins below for different urlz {

    timeout_start = time.time()

    webpage = urlopen(urlz[i]).read()
    if time.time() > timeout_start + timeout:

My question is; wont the program execute the line of code "webpage = urlopen(urlz[i]).read()" before moving down to check the if condition? In that case I think it wont detect if the page is taking too long (more than 30 seconds to read). I basically want to skip this URL and move on to the next one if the program is stuck for 30 seconds (i.e. we have run into a problem when reading this particular URL).


  • The urlopen() function has a timeout method inbuilt:

    urllib.request.urlopen(url, data=None, [timeout, ]*, cafile=None, capath=None, cadefault=False, context=None)

    So in your code:

    timeout = 30 
    loop begins below for different urlz {
            webpage = urlopen(urlz[i], timeout=timeout).read()