I am working with influxdb 1.7
I have a measurement named "test" like below
> SELECT * FROM test
name: test
time code host f_range value
---- --- ---- ------- -----
1610532240000000000 a localhost 0.101~0.200 7
1610532240000000000 a localhost 0.401~0.500 1
1610532240000000000 b localhost 0.101~0.200 3
1610532300000000000 b localhost 0.101~0.200 3
1610532300000000000 b localhost 0.201~0.300 1
1610533020000000000 a localhost 0.101~0.200 4
1610533020000000000 a localhost 0.201~0.300 1
1610533020000000000 a localhost 0.401~0.500 1
1610533020000000000 b localhost 0.101~0.200 6
1610533620000000000 a localhost 0.101~0.200 11
1610533620000000000 b localhost 0.101~0.200 8
And I can also make it group by tag values like ...
> SELECT sum("value") FROM "test" WHERE ("code" =~ /^a$/ AND "host" =~ /^localhost$/) AND time >= now() - 30m GROUP BY "f_range" fill(0)
name: test(0)
tags: f_range=0.101~0.200
time sum
---- ---
1610500909884441460 22
name: test
tags: f_range=0.201~0.300
time sum
---- ---
1610500909884441460 1
name: test
tags: f_range=0.401~0.500
time sum
---- ---
1610500909884441460 2
But when I add time(1m)
condition to the query it just return nothing.
I wonder what should I have to check in this case.
> SELECT sum("value") FROM "test" WHERE ("code" =~ /^a$/ AND "host" =~ /^localhost$/) AND time >= now() - 30m GROUP BY time(1m), "f_range" fill(0)
I found what was wrong. In fact the timestamp was wrong. It is UTC time. I have put those data from python-client and it needs extra conversion.
I am in +09 Zone. So... the timestamp states the 9 hours after from now.
I changed my python3 code
single = {'measurement':'test', 'tags': tags, 'time': date_timestamp.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+09'), 'fields': {'value': value}}
datetime_stamp variable is a datetime
type in python