I am trying to traverse Docbook section nodes. Their structure are as follows:
So sect1 only have sect2 inside, sect2 will only have sect3 inside, and so on. We can also have multiple sub nodes within a node; for instance multiple sect2 within a sect1.
Programatically I would iterate through them recursively using a counter for keeping track of which section the loop is at.
This time I have to use XSLT and to loop through it. Thus is there an equivalent way, or better way of doing this in XSLT?
Edit: I already have similar code as suggested by Willie, where I specify every sect node (sect1 to sect5). I am looking for solution where it loops determining the sect node by itself, and I won't have to repeat code. I am aware that Docbook specs only allows up to 5 nested nodes.
If you are doing the same processing to all sect{x} nodes, regardles of {x}, as you say in one of the comments, then the following is sufficient:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match=
<!-- Some processing here -->
If you really need to process in the same way many more elements having different names of the form "sect"{x} (let's say x is in the range [1, 100]), then the following can be used:
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0"
<xsl:template match=
"*[starts-with(name(), 'sect')
substring-after(name(), 'sect') >= 1
not(substring-after(name(), 'sect') > 101)
<!-- Some processing here -->