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How do you get percentage of time left for carbon php? (Laravel 8.X)

So I have the following:

$timeLeft   = $queue->completed_at->diffInSeconds(now()); 


Where $queue is a model (Laravel) with the attribute of completed_at (datetime).

What I am trying to do is essentially: now() / $queue->completed_at as a percentage of time left till it's done. (ie, 0.75)

I have seen other solutions where they take now - end time / start - end (or something similar)

Can I not accomplish the same thing with now() and completed_at ?


  • Can I not accomplish the same thing with now() and completed_at ?

    No, you need a start-time to have a percentage.

    In this example, now() minus start will give you the amount of time elapsed, which can be compared to the entire time to give you a percentage.

    start              now       completed_at

    Here, however, there's no percentage to calculate. You only have now() and completed_at.

    now           completed_at