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Mapping one of three variables to target depending on earlier target parameter?

I am working on a Drake workflow that is defined as such:

projectName <- c("lake_2018_CER_lib_norm_log2", "lake_2018_CER_lib_norm", "lake_2018_CER_raw_counts")
normalize <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
logTransform <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)

normalize_fxn <- function(datExpr) {
  datExpr <- sweep(datExpr, 2, colSums(datExpr), FUN = "/")

plan <- drake_plan(
  datExpr = target(fread(file_in(filePath), sep = "\t") %>% select(-1), transform = map(filePath = !!filePath, .id = FALSE)),
  datExprNorm = target(if(normalize == TRUE) {normalize_fxn(datExpr)*1e6 + 1} else {datExpr}, transform = map(datExpr, normalize = !!normalize)),
  datExprLog = target(if(logTransform == TRUE) {log2(datExprNorm*1e6 + 1)} else {datExprNorm}, transform = map(datExprNorm, logTransform = !!logTransform)),
  filterGenesMinCells = target(if(is.numeric(percentCells)) {round(ncol(datExprLog)*percentCells)} else {NULL}, transform = cross(datExprLog, percentCells = !!percentCells)),
  makePlots = target(realVsPermCor(datExpr = datExprLog,
                                   projectName = projectName,
                                   featureType = featureType,
                                   nPerms = 100,
                                   subsampleReal = NULL,
                                   resampleReal = NULL,
                                   filterGenesMinCells = filterGenesMinCells,
                                   filterCellsMinGenes = NULL,
                                   futureThreads = NULL,
                                   openBlasThreads = 10,
                     transform = cross(filterGenesMinCells, featureType = !!featureType, .id = c(featureType, percentCells)))

The target output looks like this:

> plan$target
 [1] "datExpr"                                                              "datExprLog_TRUE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr"                            
 [3] "datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr_2"                          "datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_FALSE_datExpr"                          
 [5] "datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr"                                             "datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr_2"                                          
 [7] "datExprNorm_FALSE_datExpr"                                            "filterGenesMinCells_NULL_datExprLog_TRUE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr"   
 [9] "filterGenesMinCells_0.01_datExprLog_TRUE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr"    "filterGenesMinCells_0.02_datExprLog_TRUE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr"   
[11] "filterGenesMinCells_NULL_datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr_2" "filterGenesMinCells_0.01_datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr_2"
[13] "filterGenesMinCells_0.02_datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr_2" "filterGenesMinCells_NULL_datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_FALSE_datExpr" 
[15] "filterGenesMinCells_0.01_datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_FALSE_datExpr"  "filterGenesMinCells_0.02_datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_FALSE_datExpr" 
[17] "makePlots_gene_NULL"                                                  "makePlots_cell_NULL"                                                 
[19] "makePlots_gene_0.01"                                                  "makePlots_cell_0.01"                                                 
[21] "makePlots_gene_0.02"                                                  "makePlots_cell_0.02"                                                 
[23] "makePlots_gene_NULL_2"                                                "makePlots_cell_NULL_2"                                               
[25] "makePlots_gene_0.01_2"                                                "makePlots_cell_0.01_2"                                               
[27] "makePlots_gene_0.02_2"                                                "makePlots_cell_0.02_2"                                               
[29] "makePlots_gene_NULL_3"                                                "makePlots_cell_NULL_3"                                               
[31] "makePlots_gene_0.01_3"                                                "makePlots_cell_0.01_3"                                               
[33] "makePlots_gene_0.02_3"                                                "makePlots_cell_0.02_3"                                               

This very close to what I want, but what I'm stuck on is the projectName: I want one of three project names to be used for the final target depending on whether the input, produced in earlier steps, were normalized and/or log transformed.

Currently, I produce 18 targets, so I want each project name to be mapped to 6 of the targets.

Is there some way I can accomplish this?


  • Seems like you could write a function to accept normalization and log transform settings and output the name of the project. Sketch below.

    Static branching in drake is hard. In drake's successor, targets, I try to make both kinds of branching easier. (Might not be feasible to make the switch mid-project though.)

    filePath <- "file_path.txt"
    normalize <- c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)
    logTransform <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE)
    percentCells <- "percent_cells"
    featureType <- "feature_type"
    normalize_fxn <- function(datExpr) {
      datExpr <- sweep(datExpr, 2, colSums(datExpr), FUN = "/")
    name_project <- function(normalize, log_transform) {
        paste0(normalize, "_", log_transform),
        TRUE_TRUE = "lake_2018_CER_lib_norm_log2",
        TRUE_FALSE = "lake_2018_CER_lib_norm",
        FALSE_FALSE = "lake_2018_CER_raw_counts"
    plan <- drake_plan(
      datExpr = target(fread(file_in(filePath), sep = "\t") %>% select(-1), transform = map(filePath = !!filePath, .id = FALSE)),
      datExprNorm = target(if(normalize == TRUE) {normalize_fxn(datExpr)*1e6 + 1} else {datExpr}, transform = map(datExpr, normalize = !!normalize)),
      datExprLog = target(if(logTransform == TRUE) {log2(datExprNorm*1e6 + 1)} else {datExprNorm}, transform = map(datExprNorm, logTransform = !!logTransform)),
      filterGenesMinCells = target(if(is.numeric(percentCells)) {round(ncol(datExprLog)*percentCells)} else {NULL}, transform = cross(datExprLog, percentCells = !!percentCells)),
      makePlots = target(
          datExpr = datExprLog,
          # The project name is a function of normalization and log transform.
          projectName = !!name_project(deparse(substitute(normalize)), deparse(substitute(logTransform))),
          featureType = featureType,
          nPerms = 100,
          subsampleReal = NULL,
          resampleReal = NULL,
          filterGenesMinCells = filterGenesMinCells,
          filterCellsMinGenes = NULL,
          futureThreads = NULL,
          openBlasThreads = 10,
        transform = cross(filterGenesMinCells, featureType = !!featureType, .id = c(featureType, percentCells))
    dplyr::filter(plan, grepl("makePlots", target))$command
    #> [[1]]
    #> realVsPermCor(datExpr = datExprLog_TRUE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr, 
    #>     projectName = "lake_2018_CER_lib_norm_log2", featureType = "feature_type", 
    #>     nPerms = 100, subsampleReal = NULL, resampleReal = NULL, 
    #>     subsamplePerm, filterGenesMinCells = filterGenesMinCells_percent_cells_datExprLog_TRUE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr, 
    #>     filterCellsMinGenes = NULL, fdrSubsample, futureThreads = NULL, 
    #>     openBlasThreads = 10, outDir)
    #> [[2]]
    #> realVsPermCor(datExpr = datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr_2, 
    #>     projectName = "lake_2018_CER_lib_norm", featureType = "feature_type", 
    #>     nPerms = 100, subsampleReal = NULL, resampleReal = NULL, 
    #>     subsamplePerm, filterGenesMinCells = filterGenesMinCells_percent_cells_datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_TRUE_datExpr_2, 
    #>     filterCellsMinGenes = NULL, fdrSubsample, futureThreads = NULL, 
    #>     openBlasThreads = 10, outDir)
    #> [[3]]
    #> realVsPermCor(datExpr = datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_FALSE_datExpr, 
    #>     projectName = "lake_2018_CER_raw_counts", featureType = "feature_type", 
    #>     nPerms = 100, subsampleReal = NULL, resampleReal = NULL, 
    #>     subsamplePerm, filterGenesMinCells = filterGenesMinCells_percent_cells_datExprLog_FALSE_datExprNorm_FALSE_datExpr, 
    #>     filterCellsMinGenes = NULL, fdrSubsample, futureThreads = NULL, 
    #>     openBlasThreads = 10, outDir)

    Created on 2021-01-12 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)