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How to plot a stacked seaborn histogram colored from a different column

My dataset is like this

 Days     Visitors

Tuesday    23
Monday     30
Sunday    120
Friday     2
Friday    30
Tuesday   13
Monday    20
Saturday  100

How can I plot a histogram for this dataset, but assume it as a large dataset(560030 rows), not just only these values.

Actually I want to have days on x-axis and Visitors on Y-axis.


    • Use seaborn, which is an API for matplotlib.
    • This will show the distribution of the number of visitors for each day of the week.


    import seaborn as sns
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np  # for test data
    import random  # for test data
    import calendar  # for test data
    # test dataframe
    df = pd.DataFrame({'Days': random.choices(calendar.day_name, k=1000), 'Visitors': np.random.randint(1, 121, size=(1000))})
    # display(df.head(6))
            Days  Visitors
    0     Friday        83
    1     Sunday        53
    2   Saturday        34
    3  Wednesday        92
    4    Tuesday        45
    5  Wednesday         6
    # plot the histogram
    sns.histplot(data=df, x='Visitors', hue='Days', multiple="stack")

    enter image description here


    • This option most clearly conveys the daily distribution of visitor counts
    sns.displot(data=df, col='Days', col_wrap=4, x='Visitors')

    enter image description here


    sns.barplot(data=df, x='Days', y='Visitors', estimator=sum, ci=None)

    enter image description here