The users in ride_users table are also the ride provider in RIDE table. I have to identify the users details from user_details table who didn't offered any ride i.e they are not ride provider.
tried this but didn't get desired results.
select r1.user_id, u.*
from ride_users r1, user_details u
where r1.user_id <> (select distinct r1.user_id
from ride_users r1 , ride r2
where r1.ride_id = r2.ride_id
and r1.user_id = r2.ride_provider_id
group by r1.user_id);`
Use Left join and check for null to see whether the entity present in the second table.
FROM user_details u
LEFT JOIN ride r ON u.user_id = r.ride_provider_id
WHERE r.ride_provider_id IS NULL