This is my configuration:
language: node_js
- '12'
cache: npm
- npm test
- npm run build
- sudo apt-get -y install lftp
- echo "set dns:order \"inet inet6\"" > ~/.lftprc
- lftp -e "mirror -eR ./app ~/tmp" -u ${USERNAME}:${PASSWORD} ftp://${FTP_SERVER}
And everything works fine. Except the last command. When I'm trying to upload files to the server using this command it takes 1-2 minutes, but travis cannot do it at all. It says that time is out and raises an error. Even if I increase timeout to 30 minutes nothing really changes.
I want to test, build and then deploy my site to the server using FTP protocol. And as I've already said I can do it from my machine using lftp
How can I fix it?
I really tried to find the answer, but there's nothing. But istead I had found the solution - Github Actions. It works much better, then Travis.