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C++ linked list notation, what is the difference?

I just want to know if there is and difference between these two notations:

First example:

    struct node{
      int data;
      node* next;
    void insert(node* list){
      node* n,* last;
      last = list;
         last = last -> next;
      n = new node;
      last = n;
      n -> next = NULL;
      cin >> n -> data;
    int main(){
      node* list = new node;
      list -> next = NULL;
      return 0;

Second example:

    struct node{
      int data;
      node* next;
    void insert(node* list){
      node* n,* last;
      last = list -> next;
         last = last -> next;
      n = new node;
      last = n;
      n -> next = NULL;
      cin >> n -> data;
    int main(){
      node* list = new node;
      list -> next = NULL;
      return 0;

So I wonder if there is difference between notation lie: in first example:

last = list;

and in second example

last = lista -> next;

And what does node* list do/represent in void insert(node* list){} Is that just a pointer to whatever list, a pointer that points to the list in the main, or what?


  • Your above explanation stands correct but let me also add one more point, Suppose your

    list = NULL;
    void insert(node* list){
      node* n,* last;
      last = list -> next;
         last = last -> next;
      n = new node;
      last = n;
      n -> next = NULL;
      cin >> n -> data;


    Then in the above case you are trying to access list->next which is next of 'NULL' thus it will give you runtime error because you cant access next of nullptr as it is not defined.