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Where can i find the PKCS11 unmanaged library for the cherry SmartTerminal ST-1144

I want to use the cherry SmartTerminal ST-1144 in order to finally sign pdf documents with certificates from a smartcard. I do use the .net PKCS11Interop. In the following code i need to provide the unmanaged PKCS11 library for the Cherry SmartTerminal ST-1144:

            using (IPkcs11Library pkcs11Library = factories.Pkcs11LibraryFactory.LoadPkcs11Library(factories, pkcs11LibraryPath, AppType.MultiThreaded))

My problem is that i don't know where i can find this unmanaged library. I've installed the provided software from cherry, but none of the listed dll's could be loaded. enter image description here The error is always

Net.Pkcs11Interop.Common.UnmanagedException: 'Unable to load library. Error code: 0x0000007E. Error detail: The specified module could not be found'

I guess those are not compatible libraries. I also tried to contact the support from cherry but had no success so far.

Any idea

  • If this cherry smartterminal is compatible with IPkcs11Library?
  • What is the name of the dll which can be used as pkcs11LibraryPath?


  • PKCS#11 library is not driver for card reader (in your case Cherry SmartTerminal ST-1144). PKCS#11 library is driver for the card. So I highly doubt such library is installed as a part of package provided by Cherry. It should be installed as part of software you got with your smartcard.