I'm developing a native module for React Native which wraps the CameraX API. The CameraX API is a lifecycle-aware API, so it requires me to pass an androidx Lifecycle
(or androidx LifecycleOwner
) into it's constructor.
Since those are androidx classes, there's no way to obtain a Lifecycle
(or LifecycleOwner
) from the React Native context.
There is however ReactContext::addLifecycleEventListener
, which is a custom lifecycle event listener implementation by React Native (LifecycleEventListener
), which I am now trying to "convert"/map to an androidx Lifecycle
(or LifecycleOwner
), but I can't figure out how.
val lifecycle: Lifecycle = ???
reactContext.addLifecycleEventListener(object : LifecycleEventListener {
override fun onHostResume() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onHostPause() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
override fun onHostDestroy() {
TODO("Not yet implemented")
cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(lifecycle, cameraSelector, preview)
My question is now: How do I "create" a Lifecycle
(or LifecycleOwner
) instance from my React lifecycle?
I'd appreciate any kind of help.
The solution is to cast the current activity from the react context:
private val lifecycle: Lifecycle by lazy {
((context as ReactContext).currentActivity as AppCompatActivity).lifecycle