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Yii2 model rules match validation

In model rules I have this rule:

  ['field1', 'field2,]
  'pattern' => "/^[а-яА-ЯіІїЇєЄa-zA-Z\s\`\'\-\,]*$/u",

On form submit this rule works fine. But on client side it's not working. In console I see error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^[а-яА-ЯіІїЇєЄa-zA-Z\s\`'-,]*$/: Invalid escape

Why this rule doesn't works on client side?


  • Escape with double slash fixes client side without crashing server side

      ['field1', 'field2,]
      'pattern' => "/^[а-яА-ЯіІїЇєЄa-zA-Z\s\\\`\\\'-\\\,]*$/u",