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react-i18next - How do I add a backend to i18n after it has been initialized?

I want my i18n to lazy load translation files and from the docs, it seems quite simple to do that - add .use(backend) and import backend from "i18next-http-backend".

The only issue is that the i18n instance I use in my provided has been already defined in my org's internal repo as a UI library (which I have to use) which exposes only one method to initialize an i18n instance for you - this doesn't have any provision for .use(backend) and now I'm stuck how to add that to the code.

Here's the library code -


export const getDefaultI18nextInstance = (resources) => {
      fallbackLng: 'en',

      // have a common namespace used around the full app
      ns: [
      nsMode: 'fallback',
      defaultNS: 'translations',

      // debug: (process.env.NODE_ENV && process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') ? false : true,
      debug: true,

      interpolation: {
        escapeValue: false, // not needed for react!!

      resources: resources || null,

      react: {
        wait: true
    Object.keys(translations).forEach(lang => {
      Object.keys(translations[lang]).forEach(namespace => {
        i18n.addResourceBundle(lang, namespace, translations[lang][namespace], true, true)
  return i18n;

export default {

I tried using it something like this <I18nextProvider i18n={i18n.getDefaultI18nextInstance().use(backend)}> in my index.js file but then I get the error

i18next::backendConnector: No backend was added via i18next.use. Will not load resources.

FYI, I have my locales at projectRoot/locales/{lang}/translation.json.


  • You can use i18n.cloneInstance(options, callback) and pass your backend config as options, it will merge all the options that your ui lib has with yours, and return a new instance of i18next which will be able to fetch.

    import HttpApi from 'i18next-http-backend';
    const original = getDefaultI18nextInstance({});
    export const i18n = original
        backend: {
          loadPath: '/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',