I am new to react-native and I'm trying to help on a project. I started by refactoring the code to have a better file structure. I implemented the barrels and added the path aliases (module resolver). Everything works fine in vscode but when I run on android, it gives me this error:
TypeError:_app.default.objects is not a function. {...} _app.default.objects is undefined.
Here is my tsconfig:
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"@assets/*": ["./app/assets/*"],
"@components/*": ["./app/components/*"],
"@components": ["./app/components"],
"@containers/*": ["./app/containers/*"],
"@db": ["./app/db"],
"@db/*": ["./app/db/*"],
"@languages/*": ["./app/languages/*"],
"@navigation/*": ["./app/navigation/*"],
"@styles/*": ["./app/styles/*"],
"@services": ["./app/services"],
"@services/*": ["./app/services/*"],
"@utils": ["./app/utils"],
"@utils/*": ["./app/utils/*"],
And my babel-config:
plugins: [
root: ['./app'],
extensions: ['.ios.js', '.android.js', '.js', '.json', '.ts', '.tsx'],
alias: {
'@languages': './app/languages',
'@db': './app/db',
'@styles': './app/styles',
'@services': './app/services',
'@utils': './app/utils',
'@assets': './app/assets',
'@navigation': './app/navigation',
'@components': './app/components',
'@containers': './app/containers',
It raises the error each time I use the db: Here is my import:
import { Song } from '@db'
import { GlobalSettings } from "@db/GlobalSettings";
also if I use something like that:
const [songs, setSongs] = useState(Song.getAll())
but it's the same with everything else from the db directory.
After a long debugging, I found that it was a problem with my config files babel.config.js (or tsconfig.json, I don't know).
Here is what is working for me:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./app/",
"paths": {
"@assets/*": ["assets/*"],
"@components/*": ["components/*"],
"@components": ["components"],
"@containers/*": ["containers/*"],
"@containers": ["containers"],
"@db/*": ["db/*"],
"@db": ["db"],
"@languages/*": ["languages/*"],
"@languages": ["languages"],
"@navigation/*": ["navigation/*"],
"@navigation": ["navigation"],
"@styles/*": ["styles/*"],
"@styles": ["styles"],
"@services/*": ["services/*"],
"@services": ["services"],
"@utils/*": ["utils/*"],
"@utils": ["utils"],
module.exports = {
presets: ['module:metro-react-native-babel-preset'],
plugins: [
root: ['./app'],
alias: {
'@languages': './app/languages',
'@db': './app/db',
'@styles': './app/styles',
'@services': './app/services',
'@utils': './app/utils',
'@assets': './app/assets',
'@navigation': './app/navigation',
'@components': './app/components',
'@containers': './app/containers',