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HTML2PDF How to pass id to the html site to be converted

I´ve started using HTML2PDF ( to create invoices, now the following code works:

try {
                $html = ob_get_contents();
                $content = $html;

                $html2pdf = new Html2Pdf('P', 'A4', 'cs',true,"UTF-8");
                $pdfContent = $html2pdf->output('my_doc.pdf', 'S');
                } catch (Html2PdfException $e) {
                $formatter = new ExceptionFormatter($e);
                echo $formatter->getHtmlMessage();

The content of fa.php is converted to pdf, however if I change one of the lines to:


note that I only added ?id=105, it returns only a blank page. The php file fa.php includes:

 $id = (int) $_GET['id'];

What I need to do is to pass an ID to that php script so the invoice of the exact order is generated.


  • Include basically means "copy the code from that file to here".

    So if you change the included file code from $id = (int) $_GET['id']; to $id = $thatId;

    And prior to the include() function you'd write $thatId = 105; The included file will be able to access the variable.

    File A:

    $id = 105;

    File fa.php

        //$id = (int) $_GET['id']; // no need this anymore as we've declared a $id variable with a value;
        // .. Do something with $id
        // .. for example:
        echo $id; //will print 105

    Or, in case you want fa.php to continue working with QUERY PARAMETER and to work with your invoice (2pdf) code:

    if(!isset($id) && isset($_GET['id'])) {
      $id = (int) $_GET['id'];