I'm using python GridSearchCV (sklearn v0.20.3) and recently upgraded to v0.22.2. Now my GridSearchCV is producing a future warning:
grid = GridSearchCV(clf, param_grid={'penalty': ['l1'], 'solver': ['liblinear'], 'tol': [1e-6], 'max_iter': [int(1e6)], 'warm_start': [True], 'C': [cI]}, cv=cv, n_jobs=1, scoring=scoring, refit=False, return_train_score=False, iid=True)
C:\development\python\venv\smote\lib\site-packages\sklearn\model_selection\_search.py:823: FutureWarning: The parameter 'iid' is deprecated in 0.22 and will be removed in 0.24.
"removed in 0.24.", FutureWarning
I couldn't find information about A) why iid is being deprecated? B) What's going to replace it, if any? and C) What's going to be the default behavior, once it is depracted? I'm concerned I might have unexpected behavior. Any ideas?
see discussion here:
from what I'm gathering: you should remove the parameter, this will change the behaviour but if it changes a lot the new behaviour should be more correct.