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send a group email address with Nodemailer with G Suite OAuth2

I hope someone can help me.

I am using nodejs and Nodemailer to connect to a company g-suite account from which I want to send emails from the address automatically.

Following the instructions en

I have the following code inside an azure function.

module.exports = async function (context, req) {
    context.log('JavaScript HTTP trigger function processed a request.');

    const YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS = '';
    // Change this to the receiver to the mail
    const SEND_TO = (req.query.toemail || (req.body && req.body.toemail));

    const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
            host: '',
            port: 465,
            secure: true,
            auth: {
            type: 'OAuth2',
            user: YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS,
            serviceClient: "bla bla bla private",
            privateKey: "bla blab bla private",
    try {
        await transporter.verify();
        await transporter.sendMail({
            to: SEND_TO,
            subject: 'John Doe opens new farm YOU GOTTA SEE IT',
            text: 'It is beautiful 2.',

        context.res = {
            // status: 200, /* Defaults to 200 */
            body: "already send email"

    } catch (err) {


The problem I have is that:

Only user accounts are working with service accounts and not group email.

I already configured a group within google workspace following the instructions:

1- Create a group with that address e.g.: ‘’

2- Make sure that group has no members (if you don’t want to receive emails sent to that address)

3- Make sure the group can be used as an email address. Please google this, there is a lot of info.

4- Set ‘’ as the auth.user when creating the transport.

5- Now you can set the from field to ‘’ when you send the email. 🎉

even so, after configuring the group,

every time I run the code, the emails are sent correctly, but not from the correct address

that is, although I have the address indicated in YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS_AUTOMATIC_SENDER , it sends the emails from YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS (which is a correct user account within the organization), it seems like an error from the nodemailer library or a problem with the group configuration in google workspace.

I would greatly appreciate the help


  • It is not a nodemailer error

    I fix my problem adding a missing configuration in my gmail account YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS "Gmail Send Mail As"

    You could review how to add "Gmail Send Mail As" in:

    Following the instructions in

    I confirm that the writing by Bogdan Bota works and I was able to send emails from a group email in my organization validating from my account

    Also note that you need to have access to group email, in mi case, to be able to validate that you can use that address to send emails.