I wrote a small method to generate a JWT and save it on the user model. I'm now trying to override the SessionsController#create method to send back the token on successful login. This is how I'm attempting to do it:
# SessionsController#create
def create
super do |user|
if user.persisted?
response.set_header('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + user.auth_token)
# user model
def generate_auth_token!
payload = { user_id: self.id }
token = JWT.encode(payload, Rails.application.credentials.secret_key_base, 'HS256')
self.auth_token = token
self.auth_token_expiration = DateTime.now + 30.days
The token is generated just fine, and it appears to be saved on the user model when I inspect the user record via the rails console.
I'm using Postman (it's like cURL, but with a nice GUI) to inspect the headers from logging in, and there is no 'Authorization' header.
try to do like this response.headers['your_header_name'] = 'value'