There are many questions with this error, but I have not been able to find where is the source of the problem in my code. The code I have is the following:
for i in segs:
if relDiff(segs[i+1], segs[i]) > 0.05:
arr_x[i] = 0; arr_y[i] = 0
I get the error on line three: IndexError: only integers, slices (
:), ellipsis (
...), numpy.newaxis (
None) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
is an array, and relDiff
is a function I made that calculates the relative difference. Here is that function:
def relDiff(x,x_ref):
return np.abs((x-x_ref)/x_ref)
Any help is very much appreciated!
Since you're using items from segs
as indexes of arr_x
and arr_y
, segs
has to be a list/array of integers. Otherwise, you'd have to convert each item to an integer, like arr_x[int(i)]
. Whether or not that would logically make sense to do that in you program is up to you to determine, since your requirements are unknown. We don't know what segs