I would like to append more parts to the existing command completion (do not have access to the first creation.)
the following does not work:
complete myscript.py `complete myscript.py` 'n,-t,(t1 t2),'
It adds extra ticks (') and the auto-complete is broken.
Would love to see a working example. Thanks!
I couldn't find a way to append to the existing complete, so I've decided to create a new file on-the-fly within my cshrc and source is, overriding the prev complete directive:
set filename = `date '+%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S'`
set cmd_arr = ( scrpt1.py scrpt2.py scrpt3.py )
foreach c ($cmd_arr)
complete | grep $c | sed 's;$; \'n,-r,`/home/\$USER/complete_rev.py`,\';' | sed 's/^/complete /' >> $filename
source $filename
rm $filename -f
C'est tout!