I want to call a process bar from the module main and update the bar from main. I have in my UserForm1:
the module code is:
Public Sub main()
Dim i, max, k, dummy As Long
Dim myUserForm As UserForm1
Set myUserForm = New UserForm1
max = 100
myUserForm.Label5 = max
myUserForm.Label2 = 0
For i = 1 To max
myUserForm.UpdateStatus i
For k = 1 To 10000 'loop for time-consuming
dummy = Sqr(k)
Unload myUserForm
End Sub
The code in UserForm1 is:
Option Explicit
Public Sub UpdateStatus(i)
Me.Label2 = i
Me.ProgressBar1 = i
End Sub
The UserForm1 shows up once and then I get in main at myUserForm.UpdateStatus i the error 800100007. I am using VBA Word. How can I make it work?
You need to change how you display the form:
myUserForm.Show vbModeless
Currently, the loop is not executing until you close the form at which point the form is not available and an error is generated.