I am trying to show results of mysql in header in tFPDF. So far, i have manage to create the pdf but when i am trying to add the sql data to display, i am getting error.
My code:
$count = "SELECT
SUM(app_price_out) AS Outcome,
SUM(app_price_in) AS Income,
SUM(app_price) AS Turnover
FROM tblappointment";
foreach($connection->query($count) as $row) {
$Outcome= $row['Outcome'];
$Income= $row['Income'];
$Turnover= $row['Turnover'];
$Total = $Income - $Outcome;
$Debt = $Turnover - $Income;
class PDF extends tFPDF
// Page header
function Header()
$this->Cell(25,6,number_format($Total,0,",","."),0,0,'R'); ===> Error Line at $Total
$this->Cell(25,6,number_format($Debt,0,",","."),0,0,'R'); ===> Error Line at $Debt
Error message:
Notice: Undefined variable: Total in C:\xampp\...\page.php on line xx
With the help of CBroe
, here is the solution to my problem. Use global
The code:
function Header()
global $Total, $Debt;