Search code examples

Elasticsearch query on array of objects with date

Hi i am new to Elasticsearch and trying to implement a solution using spring-data-elasticsearch. My indexed data looks like this:

    "worker": "A",
    "availability": [
        "startDate": "2020-01-12",
        "endDate": "2020-02-12"
        "startDate": "2020-04-12",
        "endDate": "2020-05-12"
    "worker": "B",
    "availability": [
        "startDate": "2020-04-12",
        "endDate": "2020-11-12"

By referring the elastic docs i planned on using range query to fetch the records for a specified rage of dates, for example i wanted to fetch the available worker between "2020-05-12 to 2020-06-12". This is the query that i formed:

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "nested": {
                        "query": {
                            "range": {
                                "availability.start_date": {
                                    "from": "2020-05-12T00:00:00.000Z",
                                    "to": "2020-06-12T00:00:00.000Z",
                                    "include_lower": true,
                                    "include_upper": true,
                                    "boost": 1.0
                        "path": "availability",
                        "ignore_unmapped": false,
                        "score_mode": "none",
                        "boost": 1.0
            "adjust_pure_negative": true,
            "boost": 1.0

The above query shows empty hits when its executed, but when i use the dates that is indexed then i am able to get the records (ex if i specify the dates as "2020-04-12 to 2020-11-12" the worker B results are displayed). As per the range query it should have worked for my earlier case as-well if i am not wrong. Is there anything wrong in the approach that i followed. Please advice.


  • You have no worker whose start_date (!!) is between 2020-05-12 and 2020-06-12. I think you need to proceed differently for what you're trying to achieve.

    Since you're trying to match on ranges, it would probably be easier to leverage the date_range field type. Your mapping should look like this:

    PUT your-index
      "mappings": {
        "properties": {
          "availability": {
            "type": "date_range", 
            "format": "yyyy-MM-dd"

    Then you can index all your worker's availabilities like this:

      "worker": "A",
      "availability": [
          "gte": "2020-01-12",
          "lte": "2020-02-12"
          "gte": "2020-04-12",
          "lte": "2020-05-12"
      "worker": "B",
      "availability": [
          "gte": "2020-04-12",
          "lte": "2020-11-12"

    And then you can perform the search you want like this:

      "query": {
        "range": {
          "availability": {
            "gte": "2020-05-12",
            "lte": "2020-06-12",
            "relation": "contains"

    And you'd find only worker B satisfies the condition.


    Your query in Java needs to be like this:

        final BoolQueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilders.boolQuery();
        queryBuilder.must(QueryBuilders.matchQuery("name", "A"));
        RangeQueryBuilder availability = QueryBuilders.rangeQuery("availability")
        Pageable pageable = PageRequest.of(pageNumber, pageSize);
        // @formatter:off
        return new NativeSearchQueryBuilder()