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RGraph - custom-HTML in labels

Is it possible to insert custom HTML-code as a xaxisLabel of a bar - graph?


xaxisLabels: ['<i class="fa fas fa-check fa-2x"></i>']

In the result, the closing-Tag (</i>) is missing.


  • There's no option to add custom HTML to labels but since the labels are DOM nodes (if you're using DOM text - which is on by default) you can manipulate them to you hearts content that way. Here's an example:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src=""></script>
        <script src=""></script>
        <h1>Clickable labels</h1>
        <canvas id="cvs1" width="600" height="250">[No canvas support]</canvas>
            bar = new RGraph.Bar({
              data: '8,4,6,3,5,4,2'.split(','),
              options: {
                xaxisLabels: ['Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat','Sun'],
                textAccessiblePointerevents: true,
                // If you just want to manipulate the style of the labels
                // there are these five properties
                //xaxisLabelsSize: 16,
                //xaxisLabelsFont: 'Verdana',
                //xaxiLabelsBold: true,
                //xaxisLabelsItalic: true,
                //xaxisLabelsColor: 'red'
            labels = document.getElementsByClassName('rgraph_accessible_text_xaxis_labels');
            // Maniuplate the style
            for (i=0; i<labels.length; ++i) {
                labels[i].style.fontWeight = 'bold';
                labels[i].style.fontStyle  = 'italic';
                labels[i].style.fontSize   = '14pt';
                labels[i].style.color      = 'red';
                labels[i].style.fontFamily = 'Verdana';
            // Add a click event listener
            labels[0].addEventListener('click', function (e)
                alert('Label was clicked');
            }, false);
            // Add a mousemove event listener
            labels[0].addEventListener('mousemove', function (e)
       = 'pointer';
            }, false);

    And on codepen:


    In addition you could also use the RGraph.text.find() function after you create the chart like this:

    labels = RGraph.text.find({
      object: bar,
        text: 'Wed'
    labels[0].style.fontWeight = 'bold';
    labels[0].style.cursor     = 'pointer';
    labels[0].addEventListener('click', function (e)
        alert('My label!');
    }, false);