I'm trying to use BeePlugin package in a Rails project and it raised the question of how to import properly a library using Webpacker?
I added jQuery but somehow I can't add bee-plugin. I wanna be able to import just what I need and only in the file I need it
So far what I did was
yarn add @mailupinc/bee-plugin
import ./bee
import "@mailupinc/bee-plugin"
import Bee from "@mailupinc/bee-plugin"
import * as Bee from "@mailupinc/bee-plugin"
const Bee = require "@mailupinc/bee-plugin"
None of them seem to work. Why?
I always get Uncaught ReferenceError: Bee is not defined
For reference application.js
import "./bee";
const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const webpack = require("webpack");
// Avoid using require and import and alias jquery
new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
$: "jquery",
jQuery: "jquery",
module.exports = environment
import Bee from "@mailupinc/bee-plugin";
function initBee() {
$.ajax({ url: "/editor/token", success: startBee });
function beeConfig() {
return {...} // Config params
function startBee(auth) {
const beeInstance = Bee.create(auth, beeConfig(), (instance) => {
url: $("#bee-plugin-container").data("template"),
success: (template) => instance.start(template),
return instance;
$(document).on("turbolinks:load", initBee);
So there was nothing wrong with the import.
Turns out the library will asynchronously import an external script during the initialisation of an instance and that script was where the create
method was defined (source code here)
The file now looks like
import Bee from "@mailupinc/bee-plugin";
function initBee() {
$.ajax({ url: "/editor/token", success: startBee });
function beeConfig() {
return {...}
function startBee(auth) {
url: $("#bee-plugin-container").data("template"),
success: (template) => new Bee(auth).start(beeConfig(), template),
$(document).on("turbolinks:load", initBee);