I have 3 buttons that shows a chart when clicked on it respectively. Here below is the buttons for example:
Whenever the button is clicked respective chart is shown, but I want to keep the button highlighted with red color while the chart is shown.
<vs-button color="warning" @click="chartClick($event, 'chart1')" vs-value="chart1" v-model="show"> chart1</vs-button>
<vs-button color="warning" @click="chartClick($event, 'chart2')" vs-value="chart2" v-model="show"> chart2 </vs-button>
<vs-button color="warning" @click="chartClick($event, 'chart3')" vs-value="chart3" v-model="show"> chart3 </vs-button>
data () {
return {
show = false
mounted (){
chartClick (chart1)
methods: {
chartClick (event, id){
this.show = true
Please help me in this, i want to know how to highlight the button, when the chart is shown.
And also i want to know how to display chart1 with button1 (chart1) highlighted when the page is loaded or runned at first.
You can do that by adding one more variable in data section, for example:
data () {
return {
show : false,
activeChart : '',
You should not use variableName = defaultValue, it should be variableName : defaultValue.
and then add to your buttons:
:class="{activeChartClass: activeChart === 'chart1'}"
Note: are you sure v-model is supported on vs-button tag?
also you will have to add this to your chartClick method:
this.activeChart = id;
and finally add a CSS class to edit your active button:
.activeChartClass {
background-color: red!important;
You can read more about class and style binding here: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/class-and-style.html#Object-Syntax