A table for each API with which privilege is required would be VERY useful - I assume one exists but Googling gives no such thing!
In my case I need to know what (minimal) role privilege(s) is/are required for the https://www.googleapis.com/admin/directory/v1/customers/my_customer API (GET) unless I have "Super Admin" turned on I don't have access to this API (403) the I have tried various combinations of the privileges added with "Super Admin" with no success
Regards Linden
You are right, Super Admin
is necessary in order to call customers.get. Even if a custom role is created with all possible privileges, 403 is given as long as Super Admin
role is not set.
Regarding a table relating admin privileges and API methods, you could try request it via Send feedback
at the Admin SDK documentation page or at Admin roles for businesses.