I am trying to learn how ipywidget dropdown menu works with an observe method and came across to this really useful SO question: ipywidgets dropdown widgets: what is the onchange event?
Good explanations can be found there.
Tweaking a bit some code of the answers I created this little script:
w = wd.Dropdown(
options=['Addition', 'Multiplication', 'Subtraction'],
def on_change(change):
print('method is called when printing this')
if change['type'] == 'change' and change['name'] == 'value':
print("changed to %s" % change.new)
print('chage type is not change it is actually:', change['type'])
print('chage name is not value it is actually:', change['name'])
The weird thing is that when changing the value of the dropdown menu ONE TIME this is what is printed out:
method is called when printing this
chage type is not change it is actually: change
chage name is not value it is actually: _property_lock
method is called when printing this
chage type is not change it is actually: change
chage name is not value it is actually: label
method is called when printing this
changed to Multiplication
method is called when printing this
chage type is not change it is actually: change
chage name is not value it is actually: index
method is called when printing this
chage type is not change it is actually: change
chage name is not value it is actually: _property_lock
So the observe method is called 4 times for one single change of the dropdown of the menu.
Why is that?
secondly this does not happened when the observe is written like this:
w.observe(on_change, names='value')
Then the output is just:
method is called when printing this
changed to Multiplication
So in the second case the method is called one once.
Can someone explain what is going on here?
you're telling the widget to call the on_change
function everytime any of its attribute (actually Trait attribute I guess), is changed: this includes the value
(which is only what you want most of the time) but also all of its more "internal attributes" (like _property_lock
, which you don't need most of the time).
This behaviour is documented looking at the w.observe
doc :
Signature: w.observe(handler, names=traitlets.All, type='change')
Setup a handler to be called when a trait changes.
This is used to setup dynamic notifications of trait changes.
handler : callable
A callable that is called when a trait changes. Its
signature should be ``handler(change)``, where ``change`` is a
dictionary. The change dictionary at least holds a 'type' key.
* ``type``: the type of notification.
Other keys may be passed depending on the value of 'type'. In the
case where type is 'change', we also have the following keys:
* ``owner`` : the HasTraits instance
* ``old`` : the old value of the modified trait attribute
* ``new`` : the new value of the modified trait attribute
* ``name`` : the name of the modified trait attribute.
names : list, str, All
If names is All, the handler will apply to all traits. If a list
of str, handler will apply to all names in the list. If a
str, the handler will apply just to that name.
type : str, All (default: 'change')
The type of notification to filter by. If equal to All, then all
notifications are passed to the observe handler.
the names
defaults to traitlets.All
and in this case : If names is All, the handler will apply to all traits
Hence the importance of the names=Value
when defining you callback.