I have this code:
TextView tv1 = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textView1);
tv1.Text = "Text";
SpannableString wordtoSpan = new SpannableString(tv1.Text);
wordtoSpan.SetSpan(new UnderlineSpan(), 0, tv1.Text.Length, 0);
tv1.SetText(wordtoSpan, TextView.BufferType.Normal);
Whether I use BufferType.Normal
or BufferType.Spannable
, A line is drawn below the text,
a line appears below the text. So what is the effect of BufferType.Normal
and BufferType.Spannable
The type of the text buffer that defines the characteristics of the text such as static, styleable, or editable. It could be used for changing the TextView in runtime.
: Insert
TextView tv2 = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textView2);
tv2.SetText("Hello", TextView.BufferType.Editable);
var s = tv2.EditableText;
s.Insert(1, " Hello");
: set the different color in a single Textview
TextView tv3 = FindViewById<TextView>(Resource.Id.textView3);
tv3.Text = "Hello World";
SpannableString wordtoSpan3 = new SpannableString(tv3.Text);
wordtoSpan3.SetSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.Red), 0, 5, 0); // "Hello" is red
wordtoSpan3.SetSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.Blue), 7, 11, 0); // "orld" is blue
tv3.SetText(wordtoSpan3, TextView.BufferType.Spannable);