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Restriction with Upload wizard in Oracle Apex 19.1

In the existing functionality of Apex19.1 I can only upload 45 columns data and remaining number of columns is neither further mapped or added to the table.

Help me with below pointers:

  1. Is there a way to increase the number of columns to be mapped with Upload wizard functionality?
  2. Only insert statements work in upload wizard although I have put a constraint on ID column but it gives error of Unique Key through Apex Collection. Can you implement update functionality too?

Hope above describes my doubts.


  • Data loading wizard supports MAX 45 columns.

    See the APEX_DATA_PARSER package which lets you parse CSV files with up to 300 columns. However, you'd still have to code INSERT by yourself; Apex can't/won't do it for you.

    Another alternative (out of Apex, though) is to use SQL*Loader or its sub-alternative - an external table. There's no wizard for any of those options, so yes - you'll have to do some typing yourself.