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Pass ItemClicked in MvxRecyclerView object to new View

I'm newbie in Xamarin.

I have MvxRecyclerView to show list of Cars. Clicking in a car let user to display full specification of chosen car. I have problem with displaying full specification of chosen car in new activity (and at the same time pass object between viewmodels)

My MvxRecyclerView .xml looks like:

        local:MvxBind="ItemsSource Cars; ItemClick NavigateCommand"

And my CarsViewModel with "empty" navigation to CarItemViewModel:

public class CarsViewModel : MvxViewModel
        public CarsViewModel(IMvxNavigationService navigationService)
            Cars = new MvxObservableCollection<Car>();
            _navigationService = navigationService;
            NavigateCommand = new MvxAsyncCommand(() => _navigationService.Navigate<CarItemViewModel>());

        private MvxObservableCollection<Car> _cars;
        public MvxObservableCollection<Car> Cars
            get => _cars;
                _cars = value;
                RaisePropertyChanged(() => Cars);

        public override async Task Initialize()
            await base.Initialize();
            CarService carService = new CarService();
            await Task.Run(async () =>
                 Cars = await carService.GetCars();

        private readonly IMvxNavigationService _navigationService;
        public IMvxAsyncCommand NavigateCommand { get; private set; }

Do you know how is it possible to move data of chosen mvxrecyclerview item to new view using MVVMCross? Unfortunately, I don't understand what MVVMCross' documentation says about this (it looks so poor in my opinion).

I would appreciate for any help.

EDIT 1: I've changed a bit description of my problem for more transparent.


  • I think the document is clear about passing parameter, here:

    When you navigation, you should pass a MyObject of CarItemViewModel:

       await _navigationService.Navigate<CarItemViewModel, MyObject>(new MyObject());

    And then you can get the MyObject in the CarItemViewModel and use it:

    public class CarItemViewModel: MvxViewModel<MyObject>
        private MyObject _myObject;
        public override void Prepare()
            // first callback. Initialize parameter-agnostic stuff here
        public override void Prepare(MyObject parameter)
            // receive and store the parameter here
            _myObject = parameter;
        public override async Task Initialize()
            await base.Initialize();
            // do the heavy work here