In Apollo client 3 I want to create local field based on object values (computed field).
How I can reference object fields in apollo local fields
I am imaging something like this:
new InMemoryCache({
typePolicies: {
OrganizationType: {
fields: {
url: {
read(object) {
return `/organization/${}/`
query OrganizationList {
organizationList {
url @client
"__typename": "OrganizationType",
"name": "google",
"url": "/organization/google/"
"__typename": "OrganizationType",
"name": "apple",
"url": "/organization/apple/"
Found answer, all you need to do is pass readField
new InMemoryCache({
typePolicies: {
OrganizationType: {
fields: {
url: {
read(_,{readField}) {
return `/organization/${readField('name')}/`