I'm working on my first pygame project, and can't seem to get collision detection to work properly, this is what i have so far, I'm not quite sure what the problem is
import random
import sys
import pygame
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((288, 512))
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
game_font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 40)
def draw_bg():
screen.blit(bg_surface, (0, bg_y_pos))
screen.blit(bg_surface, (0, bg_y_pos + 512))
def create_hazzard():
random_hazzard_pos = random.choice(hazzard_length)
left_hazzard = hazzard_surface.get_rect(midright=(random_hazzard_pos, 520))
right_hazzard = hazzard_surface.get_rect(midleft=(random_hazzard_pos + 75, 520))
return right_hazzard, left_hazzard
def move_hazzards(hazzards):
for hazzard in hazzards:
hazzard.centery -= 2
visible_hazzard = [hazzard for hazzard in hazzards if hazzard.top > -50]
return visible_hazzard
def draw_hazzards(hazzards):
for hazzard in hazzards:
if hazzard.left >= 288:
screen.blit(hazzard_surface, hazzard)
flip_hazzard = pygame.transform.flip(hazzard_surface, True, False)
screen.blit(flip_hazzard, hazzard)
def check_collision(hazzards):
for hazzard in hazzards:
if player_rect.colliderect(hazzard):
return False
return True
bg_y_pos = 0
player_x_pos = 144
player_y_pos = 256
player_x_change = 0
character_movement = 0
game_active = True
score = 0
player_surface = pygame.image.load('player.png').convert_alpha()
player_surface = pygame.transform.scale2x(player_surface)
player_rect = player_surface.get_rect(center=(player_x_pos, player_y_pos))
bg_surface = pygame.image.load('temp.png').convert()
hazzard_surface = pygame.image.load('temp_hazard.png')
death_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound('temp_hit.mp3')
hazzard_list = []
pygame.time.set_timer(SPAWNHAZARD, 1200)
hazzard_length = [200, 50, 100]
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
player_x_change -= 2
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
player_x_change += 2
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or pygame.K_RIGHT:
player_x_change = 0
if event.type == SPAWNHAZARD:
player_x_pos += player_x_change
# scolling background
bg_y_pos -= 2
if bg_y_pos <= -512:
bg_y_pos = 0
if game_active:
hazzard_list = move_hazzards(hazzard_list)
player_rect.centerx += player_x_change
screen.blit(player_surface, player_rect)
only right_hazzard detects collision, left_hazzard does not. If i return left_hazzard before right_hazzard, then left_hazzard can detect collision but not right_hazzard.
The issue here is with the logic of the check_collision
function as you've probably figured out. Specifically the issue is that the function is returning a result before it fully gets to the end of the loop.
The logic I'm guessing you're looking for is if 'left_hazard' or 'right_hazard' has an issue, then return false, but extending this for an arbitrarily long list. Since it's effectively a long 'or' statement. You may still return 'False' when a collision is detected, however do not return true until the loop has completed.
So the code will look more like this:
def check_collision(hazzards):
for hazzard in hazzards:
if player_rect.colliderect(hazzard):
return False
# Outside the loop above
return True
Note: I am assuming no issue with the function player_rect.colliderect
and the output of create_hazzard
as I'm unsure how the former is implemented. So while the issue above does appear to be a valid bug, if it doesn't solve your problem, I'd look at the player_rect.colliderect
function more carefully and check the correct inputs are passed to it.