I'm trying to find a good solution to writing my emails in Markdown, and styling them for general consumption, in Thunderbird.
My previous solution, the add-on Markdown-here is not maintained, and no longer works with the latest Thunderbird versions.
One approach I've tried to some success is using pandoc, and inserting the contents of the HTML file via Insert->HTML
Hi there, *this* is a **test** email written in `markdown`
pandoc command
pandoc email.md -t html -o email.html
<p>Hi there, <em>this</em> is a <strong>test</strong> email written in <code>markdown</code></p>
However, the formatting is not always what I want. For example, in Markdown-here, it used to resembles the rendering of StackOverflow for blockquotes
Blockquotes look like this
However, in my pandoc->Thunderbird workflow, HTML elements like this:
<p>Blockquotes looks like this</p>
are rendered as indented text like:
Blockquotes look like this
Which makes my emails less easy to follow.
I've read about pandoc having a --css
flag, where you can define a CSS sheet to use, e.g. s --css=styling.css
. However, nothing I've tried seems to work.
Does anyone know how to embed changes to the blockquote styles of generated HTML in pandoc to more closely follow the rendered markdown styles of StackOverflow and GitHub?
As per the docs you can link to a CSS file using the -c
flag , and we can look at SO's blockquote style, which is:
blockquote p::before{
content: "";
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 4px;
border-radius: 8px;
background: #c8ccd0;
padding:.8em .8em .8em 1em;
position: relative;
So, running the following with that style should give you what you want.
pandoc -s -c <StyleFile>.css <Content>.md -o <Output>.html