I am new to grpc. I am having trouble understanding it. Anyway, I am working based on a protobuf file called: image.proto
Below are the contents of my image.proto file:
syntax = "proto3";
option java_multiple_files = true;
message NLImage {
bool color = 1;
bytes data = 2;
int32 width = 3;
int32 height = 4;
message NLImageRotateRequest {
enum Rotation {
NONE = 0;
Rotation rotation = 1;
NLImage image = 2;
service NLImageService {
rpc RotateImage(NLImageRotateRequest) returns (NLImage);
rpc MeanFilter(NLImage) returns (NLImage);
I was able to create a server.py file, and client.py. I also generated the image_pb2.py from the image.proto file and I generated the image_pb2_grpc.py.
Now, I am stuck into sending an image rotation request from the client to the server, and getting back an appropriate response.
Here is what I have so far tried in my client.py
import grpc
# import the generated files
import image_pb2
import image_pb2_grpc
print('Input image path is', inputfile)
print('Output path is', outputfile)
print('Mean is', mean)
print("Rotate is", rotate)
channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:5000')
stub = image_pb2_grpc.NLImageServiceStub(channel)
img_rotate_request = image_pb2.NLImageRotateRequest()
stub.RotateImage(img_rotate_request, inputfile)
I am not sure how to send that RotateImage request properly.
Below is my server.py:
import sys, getopt
from google.protobuf.descriptor import EnumDescriptor
import grpc
from concurrent import futures
import time
import numpy as np
# importing grpc generated classes
import image_pb2
import image_pb2_grpc
class NLImageServiceServicer(image_pb2_grpc.NLImageServiceServicer):
def RotateImage(self, request, context):
print("Request to rotate image received")
return image_pb2._NLIMAGE()
def MeanFilter(self, request, context):
print("Request to filter received")
return image_pb2.NLImage()
server = grpc.server(futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10))
image_pb2_grpc.add_NLImageServiceServicer_to_server(NLImageServiceServicer, server)
server.add_insecure_port( host + ":" + str(port))
print("Server started ...on " + host + ":" + port)
Eyeballing your code, it appears OK; I've not run it.
You're correctly calling the method: stub.RotateImage
but you're not correctly creating the message type (NLImageRotateRequest
) for it. It will be an instance of the class generated for you by protoc
, probably image_pb2.NLImageRotateRequest
and this contains rotation
and image
properties. The image
is itself an instance of a class image_pb2.Image
Please see this link for using protobuf with Python because each language is distinct and Python has some quirks in how you create messages.
At some point, you'll need to read in inputfile
as bytes in order to populate the data
property of image
If you've not, perhaps run through the Python HelloWorld example on grpc.io. It's basic but it will get you started with gRPC. Then review the link I included above and the protobuf sections on Python.