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Flutter Dart Dio Get Request is so slow

I am hosting a space in digital ocean - it is basically Amazon S3 equalivant of digital ocean. My problem with dio is, I am making a get request with dio to a file of 10MB size. The request takes around 9 seconds on my phone but 3 seconds in my browser. I also had this issue in my custom backend. Get requests made with dio (which uses http module of dart) seems to be extremely slow. I need to solve this issue as I need to transfer 50MB of data to user from time to time. Why is dio acting slow on GET requests?

I suspect this might be the underlying cause check here

await Dio().get(
        onReceiveProgress: (int downloaded, int total) {
              .call((downloaded.toDouble() / total.toDouble() * metadataPerc));
        cancelToken: _cancelToken,
      ).catchError((err) => throw err);


  • I believe that reason for this; buffer size is limited to 8KB somewhere underlying.

    I tried whole day to increase it. Still no success. Let me share my experience with that buffer size.

    Imagine you're downloading a file which is 16 mb.

    Please consider that remote server has also higher speed than your download speed. (I mean just forget about server load, etc.. )

    If buffersize:

    128 bytes, downloading 16mb file takes : 10.820 seconds

    1024 bytes, downloading 16mb file takes : 6.276 seconds

    8192 bytes, downloading 16mb file takes : 4.776 seconds

    16384 bytes, downloading 16mb file takes : 3.759 seconds

    32768 bytes, downloading 16mb file takes : 2.956 seconds

    ------- After This, If we increase chunk size, download time is also increasing

    65536 bytes, downloading 16mb file takes : 4.186 seconds

    131072 bytes, downloading 16mb file takes : 5.250 seconds

    524288 bytes, downloading 16mb file takes : 7.460 seconds

    So somehow, if you can set that buffersize 16k or 32k rather than 8k, I believe download speed will increase.

    Please feel free to test your results (I got 3 tries and got average of them for the timings)

    package dltest;
    public class DLTest 
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception 
            String filePath = "'...And%20Justice%20For%20All'.mp3";
            URL url = new URL(filePath);
            URLConnection uc = url.openConnection();
            InputStream is = uc.getInputStream();
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            int downloaded = 0;
            int total = uc.getContentLength();
            int partialRead = 0;
            // byte chunk[] = new byte[128];
            // byte chunk[] = new byte[1024];
            // byte chunk[] = new byte[4096];
            // byte chunk[] = new byte[8192];
               byte chunk[] = new byte[16384];
            // byte chunk[] = new byte[32768];
            // byte chunk[] = new byte[524288];
            while ( (partialRead = != -1)
                    // Print If You Like..
            long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
            System.out.println("Chunk Size ["+(chunk.length)+"] Time To Complete :  "+(end - start));