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How to use result in IF to spit out True/False?

The following code snippet

if pyautogui.locateOnScreen('test4x4.png', region = (200,200,4,4)) == "Box(left=200, top=200, width=4, height=4)":

spits out NotFound, but

print(pyautogui.locateOnScreen('test4x4.png', region = (200,200,4,4)))

prints out "Box(left=200, top=200, width=4, height=4)". How to properly match the result so I can get the Found value back?


  • The locateOnScreen function returns a pyscreeze.Box object, not a string.

    So you'll want to convert it to a tuple before doing any comparisons:

    box = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('test4x4.png', region = (200,200,4,4))
    if box is not None and tuple(box) == (200, 200, 4, 4):


    The reason you are getting TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable, is because if the image is not found, locateOnScreen returns None. Trying to convert None to a tuple: tuple(None) throws an error.

    You can protect against this by checking that box isn't None, as I've edited above.

    I can't explain why you're still getting the error when the image is successfully found however, so you'll need to give some more info for us to solve that.


    The reason your version doesn't work is because when you call print(box), behind the scenes the print function is actually calling str(box) and printing that instead.

    Thats why even though

    >>> print(box)
    Box(left=200, top=200, width=4, height=4)

    it doesn't mean that

    box == "Box(left=200, top=200, width=4, height=4)"