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QML TableView: How do you only display a subset of model index data?

I want to display a subset of columns from an large existing C++ TableModel in a new QML TableView.

All the documenation and examples I've read override QAbstractItemModel::roleNames() to expose model data associated with the roles as properties in QML.

The problem is that the legacy TableModel's data() function has a complex implementation tightly coupled to Qt::DisplayRole:

QVariant LegacyModel::data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) {
    switch(role) {
    case Qt::DisplayRole:
        switch( {
            \\ lots of stuff

As such, I'd prefer to avoid overriding QAbstractItemModel::roleNames() as it will mean substantial refactoring of the above data() function.

I have a QML view showing all the columns in each model row:

TableView {
    anchors.fill: parent

    model: LegacyModel

    delegate: RowLayout {
        implicitWidth: parent.width

        Text {
            text: model.display // i.e., inferred from Qt::DisplayRole
                                // can I access column data here somehow?

But I only want to display a small set of columns.

Is there a way to do that without overriding roleNames() and using those as properties in the view?


  • As far as I can tell it looks like the only way to avoid custom roles is to hack a Q_INVOKABLE function in the model:

    // LegacyModel.h:
    Q_INVOKABLE QVariant getMyData(int row, int column) const { return m_data[row][column]; }
    // TableView.qml:
    TableView {
        model: LegacyModel
        delegate: RowLayout {
            Text {
                text: model.getMyData(row, 2) 
            Text {
                text: model.getMyData(row, 5) 
            // etc.

    Not a great solution, so I'm going to create a new model with custom roles insted.


    How to implement QML ListModel like get method for an QAbstractListModel derived model

    How to access ListView's current item from qml

    How to access Items stored in a QAbstractListmodel in QML(by delegates) otherwise than using item roles?

    QML Model data by index