I have a JUNG graph containing about 10K vertices and 100K edges, and I'd like to get a measure of similarity between any pair of vertices. The vertices represent concepts (e.g. dog, house, etc), and the links represent relations between concepts (e.g. related, is_a, is_part_of, etc).
The vertices are densely inter-linked, so a shortest-path approach doesn't give good results (the shortest paths are always very short).
What approaches would you recommend to rank the connectivity between vertices?
JUNG has some algorithms to score the importance of vertices, but I don't understand if there are measures of similarity between 2 vertices. SimPack seems also promising.
Any hints?
The centrality
scores don't measure similarity of pairs of vertices, but some kind of (depending on the method) centrality of single nodes of the network in general. Therefore this approach is possibly not what you want.
indeed has a nice goal set out, but for graphs it implements isomorphism-based comparations, which rather compare multiple graphs for similarity than pairs of nodes of one given graph. Therefore this is out of scope for now.
What you are seeking are so-called graph clustering
methods (also called network module determination or network community determination methods), which divide the graph (network) into multiple partitions so that the nodes in each partition are more strongly interconnected with each other than with nodes of other partitions.
The most classic method is maybe the betweenness centrality clustering of Newman & Girvan where you can exploit the dendrogram for similarity calculation, and it is in JUNG. Of course there are throngs of methods nowadays. You may want to try (shameless plug) our ModuLand method, or read the fine table of module detection algorithms at the end of the Electronic Supplementary Material. That is an overlapping graph clustering
method family, that is its result for each node is a vector containing the strengths of belonging to any respective cluster of the network. Pairwise node similarity is easy to derive from pairs of these node-to-cluster vectors.
Graph clustering is non-trivial, and possible you would need to adapt any method for very precise domain-specific results, but that's up to the reader ;) Good luck!