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Alamofire GET request with åäö (special characters), invalid url

I'm trying to send an API get request with alamofire, but when i use the following url:äkt , the special character in "dräkt" is returning an invalid url as response. How would i go about using special characters with alamofire?

Thanks in advance!

Here is a part of the code:

let headers: HTTPHeaders = [
            .authorization(username: "Username", password: "Password"),

        AF.request(äkt, headers: headers).validate().responseJSON { response in


  • Solved this by replacing the characters "åäö" with the corresponding characters they're supposed to represent in url, below is the code:

    var result = Url
            zip(["å", "ä", "ö"],["%C3%A5", "%C3%A4", "%C3%B6"]).forEach {
                result = result.replacingOccurrences(of: $0, with: $1, options: .literal)
    print (result) // the result