I am currently working with Navigation View
in SwiftUI
Problem: I would like to change the Navigation View Style
from an Descendent View
using @State & @Binding
@Binding var defaultNavigationStyle: Bool
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Text("Choose an Option from the Sidebar.")
Text("Select an Element.")
.navigationViewStyle(defaultNavigationStyle ? DefaultNavigationViewStyle() : StackNavigationViewStyle())
Obviously, this does not work since the Elements have different Types. Error Message: Result Values in '?:' expression have mismatching types 'DefaultNavigationViewStyle' and 'StackNavigationViewStyle'
Question: How can I change the Navigation View Style
using @State & @Binding
, without creating a completely different NavigationView and loosing all the State
You can use a conditional modifier:
extension View {
typealias ContentTransform<Content: View> = (Self) -> Content
func conditionalModifier<TrueContent: View, FalseContent: View>(
_ condition: Bool,
ifTrue: ContentTransform<TrueContent>,
ifFalse: ContentTransform<FalseContent>
) -> some View {
if condition {
} else {
and apply it to the NavigationView
NavigationView {
Text("Choose an Option from the Sidebar.")
Text("Select an Element.")
ifTrue: { $0.navigationViewStyle(DefaultNavigationViewStyle()) },
ifFalse: { $0.navigationViewStyle(StackNavigationViewStyle()) }