I'm trying to make an FM radio that would search for radio stations automatically and then let the user choose a station using an rtl-sdr. I wanted to use a QT GUI Chooser block to show the found channels, however now I don't think this would work, I did a few tests and then noticed the parameters for list values and labels are not underlined (which I understand means run-time adjustable). Is there a way to make this work or anything else I could use?
I'm using gnuradio 3.8.1 .
Labels for Qt GUI Chooser are not exposed to modifications at run-time. However, Gnuradio companion flowgraph generates a python script with Qt application. These Qt parameters are accessible from the top_class top_block_cls()
Assuming a simple flowgraph with only 'QT GUI Chooser', you can add a 'Python Snippet' block to populate the GUI chooser. For instance, insert:
self._variable_qtgui_chooser_0_combo_box.addItem("FM Radio")
refers to the top block class_variable_qtgui_chooser_0_combo_box
is the target comb box (Qt.QComboBox()
)The grc flowgraph for this example is provided in the image below : https://i.sstatic.net/gkNvm.png