i have to write a document using markdown in vscode. I have some troubles including images in my file. I want to have a caption for my image. I tried the suggestion on thist post. Therefore i created a folder "_includes" and i added a file image.html with the following code:
<figure class="image">
<img src="{{include.url}}" alt="{{include.description}}">
In my .md-file im trying to include the image using
{% include image.html src="/pictures/myimage.svg" description="test" %}
The problem is, vscode doesn't seem to recognize the {% include %} command. It just shows the code as plain text. Can anyone recommend me to a solution for this problem?
Kind regards
I had the same problem before. This answer worked best for me. Here's the code:

I also liked the output of this one better visually, but they're both fine functionally. Code:
|  |
| *Space* |
(I would add this as a comment, but I'm too new here to comment, sorry.)