I'm creating a custom form. I've created a custom form:
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(contactForm)" #contactForm="ngForm">
....email input filed
<label class="label" for="experience">How did you find the booking experience?</label>
<select id="experience" #experience="ngModel"[ngModelOptions]="{standalone: true}">
<option selected>Choose...</option>
<option value="excellent">Excellent</option>
<option value="verygood">Very good</option>
<option value="good">Good</option>
<option value="fair">Fair</option>
<option value="poor">Poor</option>
<button type="submit " value="Send ">Send</button>
here is the typescript:
onSubmit(contactForm: NgForm) {
if (contactForm.valid) {
const email = contactForm.value;
const headers = new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
{ replyto: email.email, experience: email.experience },
{ 'headers': headers }).subscribe(
response => {
But my experience: email.experience
is blank in the object. It works when I hard code some value in the object itself. replyto: email.email
is fetching correct value. Please help.
when we set ngModelOptions to standalone, it will not register with parent form, that's why you getting empty object. Try setting standalone to false and try
<form (ngSubmit)="onSubmit(contactForm)" #contactForm="ngForm">
....email input filed
<label class="label" for="experience">How did you find the booking experience?</label>
<select id="experience" name="experience" #experience="ngModel" [ngModelOptions]="{standalone: false}">
<option selected>Choose...</option>
<option value="excellent">Excellent</option>
<option value="verygood">Very good</option>
<option value="good">Good</option>
<option value="fair">Fair</option>
<option value="poor">Poor</option>
<button type="submit " value="Send ">Send</button>